Program Topics
The New Legacy program is designed to give women practical resources needed to write a new life story and positively navigate the path toward permanent change.
Basic Life Skills — An important foundation of the entire program is centered on women learning basic life skills by living together. Each woman will be mentored, coached, counseled and encouraged to function with skills such as honor, reliability, home management, personal hygiene and cooperation. There will also be a focus on education, career choices, career training, and to equip the women to be successful after graduating the program. Any woman without a High School diploma or GED will attend GED classes at the Lubbock Dream Center and will obtain their GED before graduating from the New Legacy home for women.
Counseling — Counselors will work with residents to identify the root causes for destructive behavior, to help them take responsibility and make choices to move forward. Women will set goals and work towards their goals while being held accountable by the counselor. Counselors will give input to the appropriate staff in order to assist with providing care based on each resident’s needs.
Financial Fitness Coaching — This coaching will include weekly contact from a Dave Ramsey certified Financial Fitness Coach, as well as, bi-monthly one-on-one coaching and instruction. The goal is to educate and prepare women and their families to be good stewards of money. An individual plan for paying off debt, managing their spending and accumulating savings will be developed for each family. This individualized plan will be closely monitored. Banking, shopping and investing assistance will be provided by the Financial Fitness Coach.
Celebrate Recovery — Celebrate Recovery is a national ministry that was started in 1991 at Saddleback Church in California. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. Celebrate Recovery has helped tens of thousands of people and is now in over 20,000 churches worldwide. The Celebrate Recovery classes at the New Legacy home for women will include a time of fellowship and teaching using the twelve-step program with eight recovery principles. This will be done in a weekly large group setting where the women are invited to share openly about their struggles and victories.
Bible Studies — The women will study teachings in the areas of forgiveness, setting boundaries and discovering true freedom by identifying spiritual strongholds and removing obstacles that hinder their lives. Many resources will be used from renowned teachers such as Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer and Joyce Meyer.
Physical Fitness — Women will participate in physical fitness activities either at the Talkington Life Center or other off location sites. Volunteers will bring in fun, exciting methods to become more physically fit, and there will be numerous opportunities to participate in fun recreational activities.
Nutrition Training — A nutrition manager will oversee all of the meal planning and meal preparations as the residents share the duties of planning, cooking and cleaning. There will be a focus on healthy and clean eating.
Computer Training —In order to be more valuable to potential employers and to be able to obtain higher-paying jobs, computer training is a vital factor in 21st century workplaces. Each New Legacy woman will complete the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Computer skills classes offered in partnership with the Goodwill of Lubbock.
Parenting Classes — The New Legacy home for women will partner with the Family Guidance Center of Lubbock to provide parenting classes to the residents. The Family Guidance Center will teach various parenting classes with a wide variety of proven curriculum. All parenting classes will be Children Protective Services approved.
Volunteering — A spirit of volunteering will be fostered throughout the entire fifteen-month program, creating a culture of service as we partner with a plethora of other non-profits in Lubbock. Volunteering will help residents discover a purpose larger than themselves, bringing out leadership qualities that can change their family, city, and the world.
Connection — Many opportunities will be provided for residents to connect with positive people, churches, organizations, and businesses outside the walls of the New Legacy Home. Throughout their stay, residents will often have the opportunity to experience various activities in the community such as worship services, prayer times, conferences, events, and much more. This ensures each resident will have a support system in place at the end of the fifteen months.